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As tech managers, our ultimate goal is to lead teams that are not only effective but also motivated and self-driven. I recently delved into a transformative leadership approach that can revolutionize the way we manage our teams. This method, derived from the book “Turn the Ship Around,” emphasizes the power of empowering team members to make their own decisions.

The Core Principle: Empowering Decision-Making

The key lies in shifting the decision-making process. Instead of top-down directives, encourage each team member to take ownership of their decisions. This shift fosters a sense of responsibility and urgency, leading to more thoughtful and effective solutions.

Implementing the ‘I Intend To’ Method

  1. Delegate Decision-Making: Allow department heads and team members to make their own decisions. This step is crucial in making them feel invested in the outcome of their actions.
  2. Feedback Before Action: Implement a system where team members state their intended actions and seek feedback. This approach allows for guidance without stripping them of their autonomy.
  3. Fostering Ownership: By saying “I intend to…”, team members start thinking like owners, not just executors. This mentality shift leads to more proactive and thoughtful decision-making.

Remarkable Results

Adopting this approach in a tech environment, even with a small team, can yield dramatic results. Teams act faster, make excellent decisions, and feel more invested in their work. This method not only improves overall performance but also elevates each team member’s sense of ownership and motivation.

From Managers to Leaders

What we are essentially doing is creating leaders within our teams. This method has been proven to increase the number of promotions and elevate the performance of entire departments. As tech managers, our role then shifts from being the sole decision-maker to a facilitator of growth and leadership within our teams.


By embracing the ‘I Intend To’ approach, we can transform our management style, leading to a more dynamic, responsive, and empowered team. This change doesn’t just drive success; it creates a culture of leadership and significant impact within our organizations.

Start implementing this approach in your team meetings. Encourage your team members to come up with their ‘I intend to…’ statements and see the transformation unfold.

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