itayfoyer product managers BP tech product manager elevation

Hey there! As a coach who’s had the joy of mentoring over 100 newbie product managers, I’ve got some fun and friendly tips to share from my journey. Let’s dive in!

Getting to Know You: First things first, let’s chat about what makes you tick. What are your dreams and goals in this exciting world of product management? Understanding your unique path helps me tailor our sessions to align with your career aspirations.

Clear Skies Ahead: I believe in clear, sunny communication. I’ll let you know exactly what’s expected in terms of your work and how you’re doing. Think of it as a friendly guidebook to your professional growth.

You’re the Captain: Here’s the exciting part – you get to steer the ship! I’m here to support and guide you, but the decisions? They’re all yours. This is your chance to shine and show what you’re made of.

Stretch Your Wings: Ready to fly a bit higher? I’ll nudge you out of the nest with tasks that are just challenging enough to help you soar without feeling overwhelmed.

Tools of the Trade and Wise Owls: I’ve got all the gadgets and wisdom you’ll need. Plus, I’ll introduce you to some amazing mentors who’ve been where you are now. They’re a treasure trove of knowledge and experience.

Applause and High Fives: Every step you take deserves recognition. Whether it’s a small win or a big leap, I’ll be there cheering you on. Your achievements are our achievements, and they’re worth celebrating!

Evolving Together: This isn’t just a one-time thing. As you grow and your goals shift, so will our coaching strategy. It’s all about adapting to keep you on the path to your dream career.

Coaching newbie PMs is more than a job to me – it’s a journey we take together. Your aspirations are the stars we navigate by, and I’m here to help you reach them. Let’s make your product management career a thrilling and fulfilling adventure! πŸš€πŸ’ΌπŸŒŸ

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